Ya salieron las ramas de talentos!, asi en hunter se nos queda:
- Invigoration: (Tier 7) When your pet scores a critical hit with a special ability, you instantly regenerate 1%/2% Mana. Requires Ferocius Inspiration
- Longevity: (Tier 8 ) Reduces the cooldown of your bestial Wrath, Intimidation, and pet Special Abilities by 10%/20%/30%
- Cobra Strikes: (Tier 8 ) You have a 20%/40%/60% chance when you critically hit with Arcane Shot, Steady Shot o Kill Shot to cause your pet’s next 3 special attacks to critically hit.
- Aspect Mastery: (Tier 9)Increases the mana returnet from your Aspect of the viper by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%, reduces the damage done to you while in Aspect of the Monkey, and increases the attack power bonus with Aspect of the Hawk by 50%
- Beast Mastery: (Tier 10) You master the art of Beast training, teaching you the ability to tame Exotic pets and increasing your total amount of Pet Skill Points by 5.
Me parecen cambios naturales en la linea de lo que viene siendo un BM, aumentar el daño propio y el del pet y mejorar la regeneración de mana. Puede conventirse en muy poderosa dependiendo cuanta diferencia haya entre las pets que se puedan tamear con el talento 51 y las que puedan tamear el resto de hunters.
- Focused Aim: (Tier 0) Gives you a 23%/46%/70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Aimed Shot and Steady Shot
- Careful Aim (Tier 1): Increases your ranged attack power by an amount equal to 33%/66%/100% of your total intellect.
- Piercing Shots: (Tier 6) Your Steady Shot and Aim shot abilities ignore 2%/4%/6% of your target’s armor.
- Improved Steady Shot: (Tier 8 ) Your Steady Shot hits have a 15% chance to increase the damage done by your next Aim Shot, Arcane Shot or Kill Shot by 15%, and reduce the mana cost of your next Aim Shot, Arcane Shot or Kil Shot by 40%
- Wild Quiver: (Tier 8 ) You gave a 4%/7%/10% chance to shoot an additional shot when doing damage with your auto shot, dealing 60% damage.
- Marked for Death: (Tier 9) Increases damage done by your shots to marked targets by 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%, and increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Aim Shot, - Steady Shot and Kill Shot by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%
- Chimera shot:: (Tier 10) You deal 30% weapon damage, consuming the current Sting on your target and triggering an effect:
* Serpent Sting: Instantly deals 40% of the damage done by your Serpent Sting
* Viper Sting: Instantly burns 30% of the amount of mana drained on your Viper Sting, restoring 100% back to you.
* Scorpid Sting: Reduces damage done by the target’s next three attacks by 60%. The damage reduction is diminished by 20% following each attack. Lasts 10 sec.
Aumenta (y mucho) el daño personal, que es lo que se espera de la rama mediante bonus al daño, bonus al atack power, penetracion de armadura (¿me puedo dar un gallifante por eso? :P), proc de disparo doble y es posible que el Chimera Shot sirva para arreglar nuestros problemas de mana dependencia ... Si no he entendido mal si tiras un Viper Sting y lo "cancelas" con el Chimera te devuelve el 100% del mana que ibas a drenar... si es del Viper entero y lo llevas mejorado serian casi 3900 puntos de mana devueltos (con el ultimo rango del Viper en WOTLK), como parece mucho imagino que te devolverá ese ultimo 30% de mana que quemas, quedandose en 1170, cada Chimera cuesta 540 de maná + un Viper costará 610 son 1150 ... si la cuenta es asi no arreglaría mucho, sin embargo si lo que te devuelve en mana es el 100% de lo que ibas a drenar con el Viper desde luego sería una poti de mana con cada Viper+Chimera ... imagino que pronto veremos por donde va el asunto, aun asi, como siempre, es la rama que me enamora :P
- Improved Tracking: (Tier 0) Increases all damage done to targets that are being tracked 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%
- Deterrance: (Tier 2) When activated, increases the chance to dodge and parry all mele and ranged attacks by 25%, and ressit all spell attacks by 60% for 10 seconds.
- Surefooted: (Tier 4) Increases hit chance by 1% and reduces the duration of movement impairing effects by 10%.
- Improved Feign Death: (Tier 4)Reduces the chance your Feign Death ability will be resisted by 2%/4%, and reduces the damage you take during Feign Death by 15%/30%.
- Master Tactician: (Tier 7) Your succesful ranged attacks have a 10% chance to increase your critical strike chance with all attacks by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10% for 8 seconds.
- Potent Venom: (Tier 7) Increases your damage done to targets afflicted by your Wyvern Sting o Serpent Sting by 1%/2%/3%, and reduces the mana cost of your Serpent Sting by 10%/20%/30%.
- Point of no scape: (Tier 8 ) Increases the critical strike chance of all attacks on targets affected by your Frost, Freezing and Bear Trap by 2%/4%/6%
- Sniper Training: (Tier 8 ) Increases the damage done by your Steady Shot, Aim Shot and Explosive Shots by 2%/4%/6% if you are 30 yards of further from your target, and increases the critical strike chance of your Kill Shots ability by 5%/10%/15% on targets at or below 30% health.
- Hunting Party: (Tier 9) Your critical shots, have a 100% chance to restore 2% mana, 10 energy, 4 rage or 10 runic Power to all members of your party. This effect has a 8 sec. cooldown.
- Explosive Shot: (Tier 10) You fire an explosive charge into the target, dealing 760.2-760.2 Fire damage every second for 2 seconds to all enemies within 5 yards of the target.
Survival, como en esta TBC se queda una rama atractiva de jugar para cualquier tirador, aparte de dar mas daño ranged sigue dando jugo a movimientos pvp, como el propio Explosive Shot o el Point of No Scape, pero algo me atemoriza de la rama y es el bufo IMPRESIONANTE del talento "Hunting Party", y digo bien "atemoriza" porque hace a un Hunter Survival muy muy bueno en partys tanto de tanke, como de dps fisico, como de dps "mana-dependiente", como de healers hasta tal punto que podria llegar a cundir que todos y cada uno de los Hunters de una raid sean Survival por ese bufo
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